It is a happy talent to know how to play-Ralph
Waldo Emerson
Children need the
freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.
Kay Redfield Jamison
The following pictures are objects that i remember playing with as a child:

When I was little I played with Barbie dolls and fun gadgets.
I would pretend they were people and make them talk to me. Growing up I did not
have any little sisters so I really relied on my toys to play with. I
loved dressing up dolls and pretending that I was in a fantasy land.
Playing was a great escape from the reality of the real world.
Play today is different from when I was little. When I was
little we got to play in school and go outside. Today's children do not get to
experience that because the most important thing today is testing and making
sure students pass. It is like the policy makers have forgotten what
is like to be kids. We have got to get back to the roots and find out how to
ensure that students are learning without jeopardizing a child's
right to play.
also think play for adults is good also because sometimes as we grow, we forget
how to relax and just enjoy being alive. This also gives our children the
opportunity to see by example.