Thursday, August 8, 2013


There are many factors that help support me in my daily environment namely my husband he not only makes sure I get up in the morning when the alarm goes off, but he is a friend and confidant to me.  I can talk to him about anything that is going on in my life.  He is my soul mate and a great provider to me and our daughter.  He also allows me to manage the household and chores since I  do not  work in the summer which is a major help to him and our daughter.  My husband is someone that I bounce ideas on and he also reads my school work for me before I submit it. My mother also is a major support to me in that I can talk to her about anything and everything that is going on in my life.  She always offers wisdom and humor to some of my situations. My colleagues at work are a source of support to me also they are also people I can bounce ideas off and get positive reinforcements from and helpful criticism.  I love the job because I work with true professionals. I don’t know what I would do without these three major support systems in my life.  Due to my writing this assignment I can see how I have taken them for granted because they have always been there for me.  If I did not have them my life would be very lonely and might not be able to accomplish the things that I am in my life, mainly returning to college.  They are the source of inspiration to me and help keep me motivated.  The support that I would like to have is my husband continuing to be the head of household and me feeling in where I am needed.  I would quit my job and focus on completing my degree.  This support would alleviate my having to contribute financially to the household and allow me more time to spend completing my assignments. My husband would be happy with this arrangement and so would I. Sounds good!!! J

My reason for working so hard!


  1. It is always a good thing when you find your soul mate. I know I did when I married my husband. You seem to really have a great support team and it is a great thing to have that support in different ways. I enjoyed reading your post! Lovely picture!!!

  2. Hi Tiffany,
    I could relate when you mentioned that your mother offers advice and support. It is true that we take the support from our family and friends for granted, we should always remember to be thankful for them. Great picture!
    Ghayna Alsafadi

  3. I greatly enjoyed reading your blog post. Family is a great source of support.
