Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Professional Hopes and Goals

          One hope that I have when working with children and families who come from  diverse backgrounds is for programs to respect, value, and learn the practices and policies of cultural for all children and families in their community. I also hope that they advocate for local, state, and federal policies that support the ability of early childhood programs to offer high quality, and diverse education for all children.

One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of  diversity, equity, and social justice is to commit to ongoing reflection of cultural  difference that makes a difference of the attitudes, beliefs, and practice in the classroom  in the early childhood education. I also hope to engage families, children, and to the  community. I also hope to informed and to respond to the social and cultural backgrounds   of children and families.

To all my colleagues it has been a pleasure of working with all of you. I really enjoyed these eight weeks of learning from  your discussion board, comments, and  responses. I wish all my colleagues much success and I hope to see you again. Best wishes to all of  you until we will meet you.


  1. Tiffany, I believe that this course has caused all of us to reevaluate ourselves as the educators we are and the ones that we need to become. I have enjoyed reading your post. I like what you said about the goals for early childhood education, “committing to ongoing reflection of cultural difference that makes a difference of the attitudes, beliefs, and practice in the classroom in the early childhood education.”

  2. Tiffany, I love the first statement you made regarding the hope you have for children and families of diverse backgrounds and the respect and value that programs must have in learning about the practices and policies of culture in their communities. I think this is extremely important in the infiltration of multicultural diversity in the schools and communities. Great post.

  3. Hi Tiffany, I really like your blog. You really took a reflective look at social justice in relation to cultural differences. I also like how you referenced family engagement, which I think are all important entities when working with children and families.

  4. Hi Tiffany,
    It was a great pleasure reading your post each week. Although the course has ended here I know what we have learned will for ever will resonate with us. I know for sure that my attitude towards people will be much better especilly towards USA citizens where many persons on my side believe that all Americans do is shop and max out credit cards. We all have so much in common and I must say it is not nice when we form stereotypes and judge each other. All the best in your future endeavors.

  5. Hi Tiffany,
    Thank you for your participation through out the course. I to have a similar goal and that it to engage family and children to the community. How do you plan to obtain this goal?
