Friday, October 25, 2013

Assignment: Early Childhood Trends Final Entry
Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field are:
1. I have gained an understanding of the early childhood field in other countries. Looking at how the early childhood education system works in other countries has helped me see things that don’t work in this country and need to be changed. On the other hand, there are things that already work well. I learned that most of us working in the early childhood field have the same concerns no matter where we live. We are all concerned about the well-being of children, we want adequate compensation and want to create and provide quality programs and services to children and families.
2. I have networked with professionals who are knowledgeable about the field and can continue to be a great resource in the future. Throughout this course, I have found other blogs which share things about the early childhood field in other parts of the world and they share tons of interesting and creative activities and ideas for the classroom.
3. My contacts believe in a play based approach. Kierna from Northern Ireland spends most of her time outside with the children. By talking to her, I have learned more about outdoor preschools and their benefits.

I think one important goal for the field is that early childhood teachers get recognized and appropriately compensated for the work that we do.

One goal for collegian relations related to the early childhood field is that more early childhood studies programs become available and to improve the quality of programs that currently exist.

I want to thank my international contacts for being so helpful and willing to share information with me. I will be taking a break from the program until January so I may not be in classes with some of you again, but hopefully I will. Any of you can feel free to contact me through the blog. I wish all of you good luck and success in the future.


  1. Tiffany, I find that to be great experience. I hope you will stay in contact with them. My contact will be visiting me in December 2013. We will truly miss you.

    Darrell Sallam

  2. I enjoyed reading your post and I have learned so many things from reading your blog every week. Learning about different countries was a wonderful experience. I wish you luck in your future classes and hopefully we will have another class together. Best wishes.

  3. Tiffany,
    I have enjoyed all the information you have shared during this course. The information from your contact in Northern Ireland has been insightful. Best wishes
